Page 8 - Hotel Ormond
P. 8
Chapter 1 – In The Beginning
Chapter 1
In The Beginning
Silver Bluff Terrace
Ormond Beach is located on the Silver Bluff Terrace, an ancient
ocean bottom that was formed during the last Glacial Period –
approximately 20,000 years ago. Ground sloths, rearing
approximately twelve feet high, once roamed our forests along-
side saber-toothed tigers, mammoths, mastodons, giant
armadillos, camels, prehistoric horses and the like.
Approximately twelve thousand years ago the first man came to
Florida. These descendants of primitive Asiatics who migrated
over the land bridge came to be called Indians.
Timucuan Indians
The Timucuan Indians made this area their home in the early
1500’s. The Timucuan tribe was one of six main tribes occupying
Florida when the Spaniards made their first visit. The local tribes
lived in fortified villages along the Tomoka and Halifax Rivers.