Page 122 - John Anderson
P. 122
"When motorists from all sections of the country, and New
Englanders in particular, go the White Mountains this year they
will miss very much John Anderson. If any one class ever
found a man ready to do things for them it was the motorists.
His time was their time. No man ever did more to make New
Hampshire officials realize what it meant to the State to have
good roads. He worked early and late for the project. With
gangs of men he went out each spring and fall and repaired
highways in the vicinity of Bretton Woods for miles around. Other
hotel men became interested and so a lot of money was spent
on this work. The bugbear of motorists, Crawford Notch, was
smoothed out and its bad grade eliminated by these men.
Narrow roads were widened and bad curves were abolished.
Mr. Anderson had governors and other State officials at his
hotels and talked roads with them until they became
enthused. One of the plans he outlined to the writer some time
ago was to have all the highway commissioners and governors of
New England tour the State and compare notes on road